10 Essential Tips to Stop Hair Loss and Improve Hair Health

Hair loss is a concern for some people, but there are ways to prevent it and improve hair health. Washing your hair daily with a mild shampoo is essential to keep your scalp healthy and clean. Avoid aggressive hair treatments such as heat tools, hair dyes, and bleaching. Hairstyles such as tight pigtails or braids can also affect your hair.

Eating lean meats, fish, soy, and other proteins can help reduce hair loss. Many protein-rich foods also contain vitamin B-12, which is great for your hair. Supplements such as biotin, viviscal, and omega-3 fish oil can give you a boost if your protein and iron intake isn't enough. Unlike mammals, the pattern of human hair loss and growth is cyclical.

The food plate recommends 5 to 6 ounces (142 to 170 grams) of lean, non-fried protein; at least 2 cups of fruits and vegetables each; 5-6 teaspoons of oils and 3 cups of low-fat milk for a healthy body and mind. Keratin is the protein that creates the protective layer around the hair shaft. A low-protein diet perpetuates hair thinning and possible hair loss. Fish, poultry and legumes are a good source of protein, fish and avocado, pumpkin seeds and walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids that promote hair growth.

Adequate iron in the blood, vitamin A, folic acid, amino acids and biotin promote hair growth. Vitamin C helps the production of collagen. Eggs, yogurt, guava and dark leafy vegetables are an important source of micronutrients for hair. Beer and apple cider vinegar serve as good hair conditioners and can be used after washing your hair with shampoo.

Applying it every time you wash and condition your hair helps reduce breakage, split ends and frizz. Another wrong beauty practice to avoid is perm, chemical straightening, chemical curling, bleaching, coloring, and hair dyeing. In addition to reviewing your medical history and asking about lifestyle factors that may be affecting your hair health, a dermatologist can perform a professional analysis of your hair and scalp to help determine the cause of your hair loss. Studies have suggested that drinking green tea may help; swap your usual cup of afternoon tea for green tea as it is rich in antioxidants and helps to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Even everyday synthetic hair products such as gels and hairsprays can dry out hair and cause it to shed. Tight pigtails, braids or braids can also create tension in the hair and cause it to break and look thin.

You may be able to prevent hair loss and damage by taking steps to keep your hair and scalp healthy such as taking dietary supplements, healthy scalp treatments, modifying your hair care regimen or seeking professional help to promote healthy hair growth. About 50% of men and 15% of women experience hair loss due to inherited conditions such as Androgenic Alopecia (male or female pattern baldness). Amla or gooseberry is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C that nourishes collagen and protects hair from harmful free radicals. Washing your hair helps prevent hair loss as it maintains your hair and scalp and prevents the chances of infections that could cause hair loss. To reduce the risk of hair loss and keep your hair healthy limit the use of synthetic products or ask your hairdresser to recommend some natural products to treat and style your hair. This is when your body produces more Androgens (male hormones) than it should; it can also cause problems with ovulation, acne, weight gain but sometimes thinning hair is the first sign.

Using shampoos or scalp treatments that contain antioxidants can slow down the process of baldness. Here are ten essential tips that have been tried and tested to stop hair loss and improve hair health:

  • Wash your hair daily with a mild shampoo.
  • Avoid aggressive hair treatments such as heat tools, dyes or bleaching.
  • Eat lean meats, fish, soy or other proteins.
  • Take dietary supplements such as biotin or omega-3 fish oil.
  • Follow the food plate recommendations.
  • Avoid low-protein diets.
  • Drink green tea.
  • Limit synthetic products.
  • Visit a dermatologist for professional analysis.
  • Use shampoos with antioxidants.
By following these tips you will be able to reduce the risk of hair loss, keep your hair healthy and promote good hair growth.

Carole Matthews
Carole Matthews

Devoted music enthusiast. Evil pop culture nerd. Evil travel scholar. Award-winning food maven. Unapologetic internetaholic.

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